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The National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) was a randomized controlled trial conducted by the Lung Screening Study group (LSS) and the American College of Radiology Imaging Network (ACRIN) to determine whether screening for lung cancer with low-dose helical computed tomography (CT) reduces mortality from lung cancer in high-risk individuals relative to screening with chest radiography. Approximately 54,000 participants were enrolled between August 2002 and April 2004. Data collection has ended, and information is complete through December 31, 2009. NLST has the registration number NCT00047385.

This website enables users to request NLST datasets, CT or pathology images, and Tissue Microarrays, learn about NLST, and search a database of research projects and publications. To obtain NLST datasets, CT images, and/or pathology images, submit a request through this website. The datasets are comprehensive; they include data on participant characteristics, screening exam results, diagnostic procedures, lung cancer, and mortality. Images from over 75,000 CT screening exams are available. Over 1,200 pathology images from a subset of NLST lung cancer patients (~500 of over 2,000 patients) may be made available. The ECOG-ACRIN website should be referenced to request unique data elements, x-ray images, or biospecimens collected only by ACRIN (further detail below).

This website is organized into several sections as follows.

NLST Resources from Other Web Sites

As referenced above, please note that NLST was administered by two separate groups: the Lung Screening Study group (LSS), and the American College of Radiology Imaging Network (ACRIN).



ACRIN-Only Data